Monday, August 8, 2016

Barrelman 2016 - week 2

Back into the training groove this week!

Monday: 10k run with Sam
Tuesday: TR Washington +1 (1 hour threshold intervals); 2000m swim
Wednesday: 5x1000m track work; 2000m swim
Thursday: 1200m swim; TR White +2 (1:30 tempo/sweetspot) +5k brick run
Friday: rest day
Saturday: 73k ride
Sunday: 19k long run; 32k ride

Overalll, pretty happy with how that week shook out. It was tough not having my usual Monday recovery day - by Thursday I was pretty much exhausted and really needed that Friday off!

The track work on Wednesday was particularly good. Not so much from a pace perspective (I've lost some speed since last summer), but my legs and butt hamstring feel fine even after some effort, so I'm cautiously optimistic and will try some more track work again this week. To stay on the safe side I'm avoiding doing much hill running, though, since uphills have a tendency to aggravate things.

5 am on the track is dark, yo.
The long run Sunday went pretty well, too, although my legs feel tired today. It's been a while since I've run 19k, plus I did the 'recovery' bike ride after which frankly wasn't overly recovery like. I should start using my road bike for those. It's so hard to resist pushing hard when you are down in the aero bars and there's a tailwind/slow moving cyclists to catch and pass/strava segments. The long run felt good, at least from a physical standpoint. I was bored out of my damn mind through the whole thing, though. I may have to start listening to music again, or podcasts or something if I can't get Nicole or some other willing victim to join me for those.

Post long run picture taking, because I was too sweaty to get back into the car right away.
Saturday's long ride was uneventful up until the very end. I was getting close to home when I passed a slow-moving cyclist, wished him a good morning, and didn't think much of it.

A couple of minutes later, he goes flying past me. Cool, whatever, he was just taking a break when I went around him.

Except no, he gets a hundred meters ahead of me and slows down again. OK. Passed him again, said something about it being a nice day, which he ignored.

And a few minutes later, a repeat. WTF, dude! And then he AGAIN slowed down in front of me. At that point I was turning towards home so I didn't get to see if we'd play the same game a third time, but that was seriously annoying.

So annoying, in fact, that it powered me to a local QOM on the final downhill of the ride. HA!

 This week's plan:

Monday: rest, glorious rest
Tuesday: swim; whatever TR interval torture is on tap for the week. Something wonderful I bet.
Wednesday: run at the track; open water swim*
Thursday: bike to and from work (weather permitting); swim
Friday: run, TR easy ride
Saturday: long bike + brick run
Sunday: long run, swim

*haven't been in open water for a while and really missing it. Definitely going to go this week if the weather cooperates!

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